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Ely College

Ely College

We have high expectations of students to achieve the very best grades they can achieve and be the best version of themselves.  We want all of our students to become valued members of the community, play an active role in leadership and service of others, and understand what they need to do to be successful, confident and responsible.

Through our rewards and sanctions, we aim to encourage students to make the right decisions, to think of others before themselves and to see the value of self-motivation.  

We have several ways to recognise the positive achievements of our students.

House Points - certificates issued in house assemblies for 50,150, 250, 350 and 500 house points.

These can be awarded for the following reasons;

  • Excellent work in the classroom 

  • An excellent contribution to lessons 

  • Excellent homework 

  • Excellent effort

  • Excellent Outcomes

  • Demonstrating the vision and values of the school (Achievement for all, Valuing people, High-quality learning environment, Pursuit of excellence and extending the boundaries of learning)

Subject Awards - students receive certificates at the end of term assemblies

3 awards are given each term per subject, per year:

  • Academic Achievement

  • Academic Progress

  • Effort

These are nominated within each department across years 7 -11.

Termly House Awards - students receive certificates at the end of term assemblies

17 House awards are given out each term. 

  • Tutee of the term (12 per house nominated by tutors)

  • Contribution to the House (SSA nomination)

  • Student of the term (Senior Tutor)

  • House Value (Head of House).

  • Tutor Group of the term (Highest average house points)

  • Highest House points total of the term

PLEDGES awards

PLEDGES progress is tracked throughout the year by form tutors and senior tutors.  Bronze and Silver awards are handed out within the House - Gold awards are presented by the Principal.

Presentation Evening Prizes 

Our Presentation Evening is a highlight of the year.  This awards evening is held in the nave of Ely Cathedral in the summer term.  Awards are issued for the following;

  • Contribution to House

  • Subject excellence

  • Sports Awards

  • Contribution to the LRC

  • Contribution to the community

  • Memorial Awards

Senior Leader Commendation 

These are new commendations and are issued to students who have been recognised for an outstanding attitude to their learning in their progress reviews.  They can also be issued to students who have made a significant improvement in their attitude to learning.

Principal Commendation

These commendations are also new for this year.  The Principal will write to each student who has achieved two Senior Leader Commendations within one academic year.