How To Apply
All applications for a place at Bishop Laney Sixth Form for September 2022 are made through the Cambridge Area Partnership (CAP) On-line Application Process at MyChoice@16. This can be accessed through all schools within CAP*. Students unable to access this system should contact the Sixth Form directly.
*Cambridgeshire Area Partnership Schools include: Bottisham Village College, Ely College, Cottenham Village College, Impington Village College, Soham Village College, St Bede’s Inter-Church School and Witchford Village College.
Choosing your subjects
This website is currently being updated but course information is available in the new prospectus. Course sheets are available our progression evening events at each local college and at out Sixth Form Open Evening on October 30th. These detail the units you will be studying and how they are assessed. We recommend that you choose subjects that you are interested in and enjoy, as these will normally lead you towards a higher education course or career that will suit you.
Visit us
Prospectuses and websites such as this one can help you in deciding whether a college is right for you, but nothing beats a visit. Come in to see us for yourself, either for our Open Evening, or during one of our Taster Days, or by calling 01353 652818 and arranging a visit directly.
Entry to the College will not be determined by a formal interview, but an informal guidance meeting will be held to advise students on appropriate course selection. A written reference will be sought from your current school as to the suitability of the course and level being considered.
The revised School Admissions Code allows the opportunity for over admission if the demand for available courses can be met, the College reserves the right to apply the admission criteria below where the permitted flexibility is likely to prejudice the efficiency and effectiveness of the College’s provision.
Students with a statement of special educational needs that names the college will be admitted.
The admission criteria to be used in the case of oversubscription are as follows:
- Students looked after by a local authority under the provision of the Children’s Act 1989.
- Students with a sibling at the College at the time of admission.
- Students in a CAP school.
- Students in a Cambridgeshire school not offering the courses requested.
- Students in any school without a Sixth Form.
- Students in any school not offering the courses requested.
Oversubscription in a Category
Priority will be given to students living nearest to the College, as measured by a straight line. The distance, for admission purposes, is measured using the straight line distance from the centre point of the home to the main student entrance to the College. These distances can be produced by the LA Admissions Team for the College.
For families who live outside the area covered by the using a combination of local maps and on-line resources.
Parents and students have a right to appeal against any decision refusing a Sixth Form place in a school with a Sixth Form. Appeals must be heard by an independent panel within 40 school days of the appeal being lodged.
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