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Ely College

Ely College

Our Values

Ely College embeds Meridian Trust’s core values at the heart of everything we do. These initiatives have been developed and proved to be successful at other schools in the trust.

Our Values:

We truly value the success of every child and place the sharing of excellent education practice at its core. We are committed to improving the quality of education and life in Ely to ensure the young adults who leave our care are prepared for the next stage of their education and are ready and confident to move forward as responsible and employable citizens.

We are dedicated to maintaining our core principles and focus as we grow – sharing the success of the values that were developed at Swavesey Village College.

Our Core Purpose:

Every member of our community is known, valued and supported to achieve in all areas at the highest level to become successful and confident and responsible for the pursuit of lifelong learning

Our Shared Teaching Values:

Meridian Trust exists to provide high-quality education for all at the heart of the community.  We deliver this through our comprehensive admissions policy and our commitment to providing high-quality education to all, regardless of background or circumstances. Our continued dedication to social justice and equality of opportunity is embodied in the philosophy of all Meridian Trust schools:

  • Achievement for all
  • Valuing People
  • A high quality learning environment
  • The pursuit of excellence
  • Extending the boundaries of learning

Where every child is a:

  • Successful Learner who enjoys learning, makes progress and achieves
  • Confident Individual who is able to live a safe, healthy and fulfilling life
  • Responsible and Employable Citizen who makes a positive contribution to the communities in which they live.

Where the school is a:

  • Hub for community activities and a place where people of all ages meet and integrate
  • Centre for extended services for children, families and the community
  • Source of immense pride for the whole community

Our purpose and values ensure that equality and diversity are at the heart of everything we do:

Every member of our community is known, valued and supported to achieve in all areas at the highest level to become successful, confident and responsible for the pursuit of lifelong learning.

Each day at Ely College we aim to create an inclusive school community and a society where:

  • People are treated with dignity and respect
  • Inequalities are challenged
  • We anticipate, and respond positively to, different needs and circumstances so that everyone can achieve at the highest level

Our equality and diversity principles

  • We value diversity and we recognise that different people bring different perspectives, ideas, knowledge and culture, and that this difference brings great strength.
  • We believe that discrimination or exclusion based on individual characteristics and circumstances, such as:
    • age;
    • disability;
    • caring or dependency responsibilities;
    • gender or gender identity;
    • marriage and civil partnership status;
    • political opinion;
    • pregnancy and maternity;
    • race, colour, caste, nationality, ethnic or national origin;
    • religion or belief;
    • sexual orientation;
    • socio-economic background;
    • trade union membership status;
    • or other distinctions

          represents a waste of talent and a denial of opportunity for achievement and success.

  • We recognise that patterns of under-representation and differences in outcomes at Ely College can be challenged through positive action programmes.
  • We respect the rights of individuals, including the right to hold different views and beliefs. We will not allow these differences to be manifested in a way that is hostile or degrading to others.
  • We expect commitment and involvement from all our staff, students, families, community partners and providers of goods and services in working towards the achievement of our vision for equality and diversity.

Forums for students, staff and parents discuss the welfare of all stakeholders, including equality and diversity.  Through these forum, the academy consults with and involves those affected by inequality in the decisions the academy takes to promote equality and eliminate all forms of discrimination.

The academy maintains good relations and consults with the trades union, locally and regionally on matters of equality and diversity and nationally through Meridian Trust’s Joint Consultation and Negotiation Committee (JCNC).  Meridian Trust’s agreed Equality and Diversity Policy can be found here.


  • Achievement for all
  • Valuing People
  • A high quality learning environment
  • The pursuit of excellence
  • Extending the boundaries of learning