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Ely College

Ely College


Ely College officially joined the CMAT family in 2016. The Trust was formed with a simple and clear vision: ‘to ensure high-quality education at the heart of the community.’ Following successful growth CMAT became the Meridian Trust in March 2022.

Details of the Trust Members and Directors can be found here: Trustees

Each academy within the Trust family retains its own Academy Council (formally Local Governing Body), identity, and individuality.

While the Trust is the employer of all staff, it has delegated powers to the Academy Councils to exercise governance arrangements for the Academy within the Trust.

The Academy Council is focused on the individual school context, monitoring standards and achievement, and their local community needs and aspirations.

  • Setting strategic priorities and plans
  • Monitoring standards and achievement within the school
  • Ensuring Trust policies are implemented
  • Engaging with all stakeholders to improve outcomes
  • Supporting and positively challenging practices within the Academy, through the School Leadership Team.

Some Academy Councillors take on the role of ‘Champion‘ for a particular area, in which he/she holds the Academy leadership to account by providing challenge from their local knowledge and support from their own wider experiences.  The Champions link with the Trust leadership and directors to represent the interests of the Academy.  The Academy Council meets as a full body six times a year.


Ely College Academy Council Members

(formerly known as Local Governing Body)

Buckley, Ruth

Ellingworth, Jo

Every, Elisabeth (Chair)

Fullman, Dominic

Preston, Darryl

Sampson, Matthew

Sigrist, Anthony

Campbell, Martin (Exec. Principal)

Thomas, Jane

Tole, Jonathan (Vice-Chair)

Warburton, Simon (Principal)


Members of the Academy Council can be contacted directly through the Clerk:

Any correspondence to the Chair of the Academy Council should be addressed to:

Elisabeth Every, Academy Council Chair, c/o Ely College, Downham Road, Ely, CB6 2SH

Should you wish to view a copy of any minutes or agendas for the Academy Council, please contact the clerk:

Ely College Academy Council Membership, Pecuniary Interests and Attendance Register (download file below)