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Ely College

Ely College

Last week, the Year 12 Public Services students visited Ely Fire station for the last time this year. What an experience and insight into the demands of being a firefighter they have gained... Huge thanks to the fire house and outreach team.

In previous visits, students have been taken out of their comfort zones and challenged with team building activities and tasks, working and developing key skills. This time, students were put through their paces with an insight into the entry requirements for the fire service, in terms of the fitness standards required.

This really gave the students a first hand experience of feeling what needs to be accomplished to enter, and remain, in the service. Students worked in pairs completing a number of different station’s, from carrying hoses, 5 Gallon Drums, unraveling a hose form the fire engine, dragging a body and carrying their oxygen supplies.

Staff also got a pretty amazing view from the top of the training tower. The scenery was beautiful and looking over the school site in the distance was quite touching.

The work conducted between the team and the students, has really prepared them for some of their course assessments, and we cannot thank the team at Ely Fire Station enough.