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Ely College

Ely College

On Thursday 25th February 2016, a number of student from Years 10 and 11 at Ely College joined other ‘high flying’ students from a range of secondary schools destined for Russell Group Universities.

The PiXL student conference took place in the Marriott Hotel in Peterborough and was designed to enthuse, excite and inform students on how to prepare for careers such as Medicine, Law, Politics and Science.

“It was great to see our students excelling in a truly academic environment.  Of the schools present, Ely College students where noted as being the most engaged and eloquent when responding and participating with questions from the floor."

Attending teachers also reflected: "I am positive that these students will achieve high academic standards and are destined for very successful careers”.

Above we have included some student feedback offered directly after the event. All students were very positive and are looking forward to further opportunities offered at Ely College to explore higher education.