Each year at the end of Autumn term, students at Ely College set themselves the challenge of raising as much money as they can for their House Charities. December bringing the festive spirit to this action-packed day, but their generosity and collective ingenuity offers something new each year! With an equal split of all the money raised, tutor groups challenged themselves to think of new ways to get the most money.
On Friday 20th December, every student and member of staff contributed to this massive fundraising effort. Not just a normal non-school uniform day, this festive fun day is only possible because of the generosity of parents and carers who donated raffle prizes and resources, as well as each student contributing to the donation pot. Raising £3501.04 in online donations, every student could then spend cashless vouchers on the day at a huge range of stalls and tables set up by their form groups.
Students brainstormed fundraising ideas, planned and prepared their activities and stalls and the culmination of their hard work came together as they celebrated the end of term! With the ‘Charities Day Trophy’ having been introduced only last year, bragging rights were up for grabs for whoever had the most engaging activities; earning House pride for which ever tutor group and House earn the most ‘have a go’ vouchers.
This year saw the students go up up up above and beyond! One student from Turing House brought into school their very cool and very technical flight simulator! Definitely worth two vouchers to have a go! It was very popular, as was a bit of wellie throwing and flinging wet sponges at the teaching staff! The school was divided into event areas with tuck shops, a sports zone, nerf death matches and even the return of the ever popular ‘stage door haunted house’! As always Nintento Switch gaming and Mario Kart races were a big hit, as were the various hot chocolate, churros and cake sales. Even Ralph our Dog Mentor got involved, offering tricks and a training session to anyone who'll give him a treat and a voucher!
In the lead up to the big day, students voted for their House charity for the year. It was a difficult process as so many worthy causes were on the table, but overall each House leaned towards a charity that help children. Students shared their thoughts and empathised with young people their age who face difficult challenges or life threating conditions. This year, Ely College will be supporting the following six charities, with an equal split of the funds raised:
- Arthur Rank Hospice - Scott House
- Power2Inspire- Etheldreda House
- Addenbrooke’s Charitable Trust (ACT) & their C9 Cancer Ward - Franklin House
- Gingerbread - Turing House
- Ely Food Bank – Seacole House
- Oasis Ely Cancer Hub - Bishop Laney Sixth Form
Charities Day is not just about the end of term celebration. Offering students the opportunity to earn their ‘Giving Pledge’, this day is one of the Meridian Trust’s well-established ‘PLEDGES and Future Days’, where students work towards their PLEDGES programme, broadening their skills and experiences that will aid them in the future.
Vice Principal Sarah Goodey thanked everyone who supported the event, especially parents and staff. She said: “Charities Day is so important because it plays a vital part in helping our students to develop empathy as well as more tangible skills such as the teamwork and the responsibility that comes with event planning.”
“We are delighted with the grand total and impressed with the student efforts! We want to thank families for their support also. Given the current economic climate, the total raised is a testament to our wider community. We’ve always aimed to be ‘an exceptional College for an exceptional community’ and moments like this show we are hitting that target.”