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Ely College

Ely College

British Science Week (8-17 March) is an exciting time for students and teachers alike, as it provides a special platform to showcase the wonders of science and its many connections to our daily lives. Celebrating its 30th anniversary, this year’s British Science Week theme was ‘TIME’.

Ely College have been ‘maximising the minutes’, packing in a host of trips, workshops and extra curricular experiences that saw one of their busiest terms yet. From entering robotic competitions, to Duke of Edinburgh timed tent challenges; parliamentary debates and a tour to oracy and confidence workshops - staff and students have showcased their passion for ‘extending the boundaries of learning’. The week culminated with their annual Science Festival, spearheaded by Year 8 students. 

Mr O’Neil, Teacher of Biology who organised the Science Festival commented: “We were very impressed at how diligently students worked to carry out their scientific investigations in lessons and collaborated to present their projects with such flair. Throughout school there has been a real buzz and we have excitedly waited for the opportunity to see the results of all the hard work that has gone on this term.”

After weeks of trail and errors, hypothesising and observing, students presented their findings to their families, staff and peers. It was a great opportunity for the students to showcase their scientific knowledge and creativity as well as learning new skills, building confidence, and working in teams to develop a love of science that will stay with them for years to come.

As part of the Meridian Trust curriculum, the college takes this time to develop a passion for STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths) before their important subject choices and GCSE years. Year 7 & 8 students work towards their CREST Award - CREST is a national scheme that encourages young people to think and act like scientists and engineers. To achieve a CREST Award, students complete these hands-on projects.

Principal, Mr Warburton, who opened the festival with Mr O'Neil was eager to get involved and safely demonstrated the impressive potato clock experiment. He commented: “We are very proud of our Year 8 students – the Science Festival is a tribute to our Trust values in action. Many thanks to the families and friends of the college for attending the day and supporting their projects at home.”

The range of experiments and presentations on offer was impressive. Other stands run by students included how to create lava lamps using household ingredients, fruit batteries made out of lemons, designing mini catapults, floating tea bags and how to make fireworks glow different colours.

More photos available on our Facebook page @ElyCollegeMT