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Ely College

Ely College

“This house believes no issue is more important than climate change”.... A fantastic and quite emotive debate took place today as students came together with Lucy Frazer MP to discuss climate change and other world issues.

The students on each side were outstanding! Their arguments were cohesive and persuasive. Huge thank you to Mr Burke and Mrs Clark-Hope, for coaching and adjudicating this fantastic #PLEDGES opportunity. It was a pleasure to welcome Lucy Frazer back to oversee the debate. We hope this event might lead to further opportunities to represent Ely College in London at the House of Commons.

Principal of Ely College, Simon Warburton, said: "We are delighted to be able to take part in Lucy Frazer’s debating competition and our students enjoyed the chance to present to Lucy in college on Friday. 

"Our students presented to a very high standard on a emotive topic.  They showed real skill to be able to adapt their presentations to the arguments presented in the early deliveries and offer rebuttals with no preparation.

 "I was really proud of the skills our students showed and am confident that we will be able make a very strong presentation in the Palace of Westminster after half term."