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Ely College

Ely College

Ely College’s first Christmas Market was a gift to… and from the community

On a wet and cold Thursday evening, the people of Ely turned out in their hundreds to support their local college and small businesses. Ely College Christmas market on 29th November was a fantastic festive success, raising £1400 for their PE and Drama departments. An event set to be repeated next year!

Earlier this year, two members of staff had a plan to give something back to the community, an opportunity to come together and get some Christmas shopping done; all whilst hopefully raising funds for the students. It was the rest of the community who went above and beyond to make this market such a spectacular occasion.


Whether it was the Bishop Laney catering students offering homemade mince pie and refreshments, or the drama club entertaining the crowds, staff and students gave a helping hand. Hair and Beauty students were also on hand to pamper and prepare visitors for the party season.

Supported by members of the Ely Military Band and fresh from their royal performance for HRH the Prince of Wales earlier in the week, the music department provided the festive spirit. Our LRC’s Book Fair was also popular, selling Scholastic titles, which in turn has already earnt the school library over £100 in free books.


The support from parents has been overwhelming, with a flurry of tombola donations and local companies donating services and prizes to the grand raffle. Organisers Bev Saddington and Victoria Cutforth are grateful for the support, which has raised enough to make some worthwhile improvements to student resources: “With over 30 different stalls, we are proud that Ely College were able to host such an event providing a wide range of gifts and products.”

“This was our first Christmas Market held at the school and it certainly exceeded everyone’s expectations. We hope to hold another Christmas market next year to help raise funds for other college departments. For now, we would like to say thank you to everyone who came and supported us.”