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Ely College

Ely College

Buses are currently running. Usual allowances apply. Shoe wear will not be challenged but normal uniform rules apply. Wear your coat when travelling in and be careful on your journey. Site is clear, with the situation monitored throughout the day. All SESSION 6 and afterschool events will be cancelled for a prompt 3pm exit.

More information here:

SCHOOL IS OPEN - Friday 2nd March

General information about severe weather procedures

School Closures

We always plan to be open as normal, but will review the situation regularly.

Confirmation will be given at 7am each morning and communicated out by 7:15am

Decisions to close will be based on getting students and staff safely to  and from school, clearing the site and being able to staff lessons.  Many staff live considerable distances from the school (e.g. Cambridge, St Ives, Peterborough, Norfolk and Suffolk borders) and many on rural roads, which mean that localised conditions may have an impact, even if the situation is fine is Ely.

In the event that we have to close the school, notification of the closure will be found in the following places.

The School Website


Ely College @ElyCollegeCMAT




HEART Radio 

If there is no message on the website we will be open as normal. If there is an 'OPEN' message on the website, please check the date in the title for up to date information

Decisions about Session 6s (after-school clubs) and evening events will be made at 1pm.

Buses: Unless otherwise notified, please assume that buses will be operating as normal.  We will check with the bus companies, but it is their decision to operate.  If a child cannot make it to school due to a bus cancellation, this is an acceptable reason for absence,  but please let us know in the usual manner via the Absence Line.

We thank you in advance for your understanding in dealing with the weather.